Child Protection


Children who have experienced violence, abuse, exploitation or neglect are the most likely to experience psychosocial distress and mental health problems.

Read the summary below or access the full guidance.

Children who have experienced violence, abuse, exploitation or neglect are the most likely to experience psychosocial distress and mental health problems. Conversely, psychosocial distress and mental health problems increase children’s vulnerability to violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect. Caregivers who experience psychosocial distress and mental health problems can have difficulty providing nurturing care, including nutrition, security and safety. This lack of nurturing care can have lasting impacts on children’s development and well-being.

Parents, caregivers and teachers must be supported to understand and respond to children’s emotional and behavioural reactions to difficult events. At the community level, MHPSS interventions can challenge stigma and harmful traditional practices associated with mental health problems.  Child protection systems, including community and school systems, should be linked to services and supports at all levels of the IASC MHPSS pyramid.