
Sector-specific MHPSS recommendations

A growing body of evidence links nutritional deficiencies in infancy and early childhood to developmental difficulties, including more frequent /intense negative emotions, and lower levels of self-regulation (ability of the child to soothe themselves).

Read the summary below or access the full guidance.

Children undernourished may engage less with their surroundings and caregivers and lack the care, nutrition, stimulation or support required to reach developmental milestones.[1]

Integrating MHPSS in prevention programmes helps ensure an optimal positive impact on the first 1000 days of the child and beyond. For example, breastfeeding and the associated eye synchronicity can begin to rewire trauma connections in the brain.[2] Strengthening caregivers’ connectedness with others and their knowledge, understanding and confidence in nurturing care enhances their capacity to provide adequate care to their children.[3]

[1] Dozio, E., Le Roch, K., & Bizouerne, C. (2019). Baby friendly spaces: an intervention for pregnant and lactating women and their infants in Cameroon. Intervention

[2] Chimine Arfuso in Brown (2019) Why Breastfeeding Grief and Trauma Matter

[3] Corna, F., Tofail, F., Chowdhury, M. R. Roy, &Bizouerne, C. (2019). Supporting maternal mental health of Rohingya refugee women during the perinatal period to promote child health and wellbeing: a field study in Cox’s Bazar. Intervention, 17(2), 160-168.