If you are delivering integrated MHPSS programming, you will likely use most, even all, of the information in the full guidance document. There will be times, however, when you only need to access specific information for a specific purpose. The Short Cuts below can help you find just the information you need.

Are you looking for a brief orientation to integrated MHPSS programming? See the following key sections in the full guidance:
Are you planning an integrated MHPSS programme or proposal? See the following key sections in the full guidance:
- Section 1.2.2 Identify and recap the main benefits of integrated MHPSS programming
- Section 2.2 Include MHPSS in all stages of the programme cycle
- Section 2.6 Secure resources for integrated MHPSS programming
- Section 2.7 Develop a team that can integrate MHPSS
- Sector-specific and thematic guidance, as appropriate
Are you engaging in advocacy for integrated MHPSS programming? See the following key sections in the full guidance:
- Section 2.4 Advocate for integrated MHPSS programming
- Section 1.2.2 Identify and recap the main benefits of integrated MHPSS programming
- Section 2.5. Work with others to integrate MHPSS
- Key messages on integrating MHPSS into specific sectors and themes, as appropriate